Resources for Energy Efficiency and Utility Bill Assistance
Looking to make your home cooler in summer and warmer in winter, while lowering your utility bills? The resources on this page may help!
If you live in the Fort Smith area, we invite you to text AR Climate League Outreach Coordinator Herbert McGill (479.434.7332) and set a time to visit the Climate League Resource Center, located in the McGill Center, 521 North 6th Street, Fort Smith. Mr. McGill can assist you with identifying resources, as well as helping you complete and submit your applications.

For Fort Smith Area Residents
The City of Fort Smith has two Water Utilities assistance programs available for low-income residential households.
Project Concern is a utility assistance program established by City ordinance to provide relief to customers who use water services solely for residential purposes. Learn more.
Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) is a program developed as part of an agreement with the EPA to help low-income homeowners pay for private sewer line repairs. Learn more.
Are You an OG&E Customer? Learn more about their home weatherization and energy efficiency rebates/programs and free home energy assessment.
Is your home powered by Swepco? Check out their no-cost energy assessment and energy efficiency improvements.
Arkansas Statewide Resources
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) lowers the energy burden for households by helping with home energy bills—heating costs during the winter and cooling costs during the summer for those who qualify. Click here to find help near you.
The Arkansas Weatherization Program (AWP) was developed to help reduce energy usage in homes that are severely energy inefficient. The program is available to all income-eligible Arkansans and eligible housing units. The program helps customers find ways to reduce their daily energy usage. Advanced diagnostic technology, such as a computerized energy audit, is used to determine the energy conservation needs of a home. Click here to find your provider.
Rewiring America
For a deeper dive on federal tax credits and plans for making your home greener and more energy efficient check out Rewiring America’s accessible and in-depth website.